North Sydney




Sunset in Peru

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu


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Astronomy, formal and dialectical reason


Formal reason:

‘Since fire is the rapid acquisition of oxygen, and since oxygen is a key indicator of life, fire on any planet would be an indicator of life on that planet.’

Dialectical reason:

To consider this statement dialectically, one would think creatively – of the relationship between destruction and creation. Hegel did this from the idealist perspective –

‘Everything that surrounds us may be viewed as an instance of Dialectic. We are aware that everything finite, instead of being stable and ultimate, is rather changeable and transient; and this is exactly what we mean by that Dialectic of the finite, by which the finite, as implicitly other than what it is, is forced beyond its own immediate or natural being to turn suddenly into its opposite. We have before this (§80) identified Understanding with what is implied in the popular idea of the goodness of God; we may now remark of Dialectic, in the same objective signification, that its principle answers to the idea of his power. All things, we say – that is, the finite world as such – are doomed; and in saying so, we have a vision of Dialectic as the universal and irresistible power before which nothing can stay, however secure and stable it may deem itself.’

G.W.F.Hegel, Hegel’s Logic, Trans., William Wallace, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1975, Remark to §81, 118




White Rose


Wanda rumba

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Butterfly calypso

Rice paper or tree nymph butterflies

Rice paper or tree nymph butterflies



As light clouds drift above

Routeburn Track, New Zealand

Routeburn Track, New Zealand


Song without words

Routeburn Track, New Zealand

Routeburn Track, New Zealand


Plaisir d’amour



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Not ‘white fragility’ but white Western supremacism



‘Robin DiAngelo says white people are sensitive and easily hurt when they are reminded of their own white privilege.’

‘White Fragility’, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National, 15.08.18

‘Robin DiAngelo is a social justice and anti-racism educator, and she says she specialises in making white people feel uncomfortable.

She argues that the overt racism of people like Queensland Senator Fraser Anning is a smaller part of the problem than we realise. A more pernicious form of racism, she argues, is the lack of consciousness that progressives have about their own white privilege.

Her book is called White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.’


A 1908 postcard welcoming the ‘Great White Fleet’ to Australia


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