All things come to pass through conflict

UGC 1810: Wildly Interacting Galaxy from Hubble

‘The counter-thrust brings together, and from tones at variance comes perfect attunement, and all things come to pass through conflict.’

Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus, LXXV

For Your Delight

Kamala Harris

I just watched the debate between Harris and Pence. He was clearly favoured by the ‘moderator’. She allowed him to repeatedly go back over previous topics, to repeatedly speak and continue speaking much longer than she did Harris. With Pence, her protestations of ‘Thank you’ were much weaker than her more forceful insistence on shutting Harris down for going over-time.

The ‘moderator’ sounded fearful of him.

But, within the bounds of capitalism, Harris impressed me very much. She showed greater intelligence and humane personality than any modern American Republican/Democrat political leader I am aware of.

Within the bounds of capitalism, it would be most interesting if she were to become President.

But, just as certainly, she will not be up to what is emerging. Others presently in the wings will lead the ultimately overt struggle in America between the representatives of capital and those of socialism.

Eyewitness to the Agony of Julian Assange — Desultory Heroics

By Timothy Erik Strom and John Pilger Source: CounterPunch John Pilger has watched Julian Assange’s extradition trial from the public gallery at London’s Old Bailey. He spoke with Timothy Erik Ström of Arena, Australia: Q:  Having watched Julian Assange’s trial firsthand, can you describe the prevailing atmosphere in the court? The prevailing atmosphere has been shocking. I […]

Eyewitness to the Agony of Julian Assange — Desultory Heroics