Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine — Desultory Heroics

American soldiers are already “boots on the ground” By Philip Giraldi Source: The Unz Review The White House keeps insisting that it will not directly involve American soldiers in the war in Ukraine, but it keeps taking steps that will inevitably lead to a large-scale open combat role for the US against Russia. Among the […]

Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine — Desultory Heroics

NATO — The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet — Desultory Heroics

Together We Are Wrong — by Mr. Fish By Chris Hedges Source: ScheerPost The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the arms industry that depends on it for billions in profits, has become the most aggressive and dangerous military alliance on the planet. Created in 1949 to thwart Soviet expansion into Eastern and Central Europe, […]

NATO — The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet — Desultory Heroics

Change when there’s no climate

The world is nothing but matter in motion

Now that the ideological caravans of modernism and post-modernism have run out of steam, what next? Mysticism? But this is a very hot potato – for two reasons: the primary Western form – Neoplatonism – has been treated by generations of academics as the pornography of modern Western philosophy, even as its Siren call has been eagerly responded to, particularly by male philosophers, and its profound influence on their work dissembled about or denied. To explore mysticism in this regard threatens to undermine gods, expose ideologically motivated lies, damage careers and lay bare a cultural arrogance and self-delusion that we in the West are the champions of (the Man of) ‘Reason’ while others stare at their navels or are obsessed with filial piety and particularly, as Marx recognised, its contradictory core, now absorbed by him into materialism, is nothing but revolutionary. It rings the bell for the passing of all and everything but matter in motion itself – it speaks of a mobile infinity.