The Other Side of the Palestinian Story

How Britain started the Arab-Israeli conflict

Australia’s masters speak their ‘truth’

‘Neither the United States of America nor the world community of nations can tolerate deliberate deception and offensive threats on the part of any nation, large or small.’ (Bush [supposedly] quoting Kennedy)

With thanks to Desultory Heroics:

War Certainly Is A Racket — Desultory Heroics

By Iain Davis Source: Off-Guardian In 1935, Major General Smedley Butler’s seminal book “War Is A Racket” warned of the dangers of the US military-industrial complex, more than 25 years before the outgoing US President Eisenhower implored the world to “guard against” the same thing. One of the most decorated soldiers in US military history, […]

War Certainly Is A Racket — Desultory Heroics

‘NATO’s mission’ leaves Ukraine destroyed — Desultory Heroics

“We are carrying out NATO’s mission.” As Ukraine’s defense minister acknowledges the proxy war, NATO proxy warriors disregard the toll. (Pierre Crom/Getty Images) By Aaron Maté Source: Aaron Maté Substack Unveiling its latest military assistance package to Ukraine – at $3.75 billion, the largest to date — the White House declared that US weapons are intended “to […]

‘NATO’s mission’ leaves Ukraine destroyed — Desultory Heroics

Follow the Money – How Russia Will Bypass Western Economic Warfare — Desultory Heroics

(Image by orangebuddhas from flickr)  By Pepe Escobar Source: So a congregation of NATO’s top brass ensconced in their echo chambers target the Russian Central Bank with sanctions and expect what? Cookies? What they got instead was Russia’s deterrence forces bumped up to “a special regime of duty” – which means the Northern and Pacific fleets, […]

Follow the Money – How Russia Will Bypass Western Economic Warfare — Desultory Heroics

The Unraveling of the American Empire — Desultory Heroics

Original illustration by Mr. Fish US leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another, a trajectory mirroring the sad finales of other historical imperial powers By Chris Hedges Source: Mint Press News Princeton, New Jersey (Scheerpost) — America’s defeat in Afghanistan is one in a string of catastrophic military blunders that herald the death of the American […]

The Unraveling of the American Empire — Desultory Heroics

The state of politics in Australia today

Salvador Allende’s last speech, La Moneda Palace, 11.09.73


Ex- Labor (note the American spelling of the name of Australia’s oldest political party) leader Shorten: ‘We must be an opposition that stands for something. We must be a party of Labor that stands for the real world concerns of working men and women.’

Kamala Harris

I just watched the debate between Harris and Pence. He was clearly favoured by the ‘moderator’. She allowed him to repeatedly go back over previous topics, to repeatedly speak and continue speaking much longer than she did Harris. With Pence, her protestations of ‘Thank you’ were much weaker than her more forceful insistence on shutting Harris down for going over-time.

The ‘moderator’ sounded fearful of him.

But, within the bounds of capitalism, Harris impressed me very much. She showed greater intelligence and humane personality than any modern American Republican/Democrat political leader I am aware of.

Within the bounds of capitalism, it would be most interesting if she were to become President.

But, just as certainly, she will not be up to what is emerging. Others presently in the wings will lead the ultimately overt struggle in America between the representatives of capital and those of socialism.

Saturday Matinee: The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange — Desultory Heroics


WATCH: The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange A new documentary by Juan Passarelli can be seen here on Consortium News, followed by a panel discussion with Passarelli, director Ken Loach and filmmaker Suzie Gilbert. Source: Consortium News Journalists are under attack globally for doing their jobs. Julian Assange is facing a 175 year […]

Saturday Matinee: The War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange — Desultory Heroics